Some people donate millions of dollars to charity; others volunteer thousands of hours to their cause. While that’s all good and nice, their work or their money stops as soon as their eyes close...permanently. So you ask, how on earth (or in the afterlife for that matter) can someone still have the ability to help out our planet? The answer lies within the Ecopod.
The Ecopod is a coffin made of 100% recycled newspaper, finished with a colored sheet made of silk and mulberry leaves. What’s more is that it comes in four different shades of colors: blue with doves, green with a Celtic cross, red with an Aztec sun, and a baller gold leaf version applied solely by hand. Now when you lay to rest folks, you’re not only going out green, you’re going out in style. And what dead person wouldn't want that?
To top it off, these Ecopods aren't only extremely stylish, they are far more affordable than that of the traditional sepulchers made of chipboard and laminate. Starting at about seven hundred and fifty pounds (about fifteen hundred bucks give or take), these eco-friendly coffins wont burden your family in today’s cruel economy.
Everyone can give a few dollars to a foundation and anyone can volunteer their efforts for a couple hours a week. However, if you’ve resolved to be more eco-conscious in your everyday life, why stop in the afterlife? Have YOU helped save the world today?
For more information, visit: inhabitat.com
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