In a generation where cell phones are getting smarter and technology getting brighter, the air travel industry has proved to be a great disappointment. From increasingly cramped personal space to overpriced space food, commercial aviation seems to almost be traveling, well, backwards. That is until now.
In an effort to break the monotony, few airlines are striving for a more, greener approach to air flight. Airlines such as Southwest and Continental have implemented fuel efficiency improvements, waste reduction programs and increased recycling, and are investing in newer and thus more fuel-efficient airplanes.
Always ahead of the game, Virgin Atlantic has become the first major carrier to test the use of biofuels on passenger flights. Following suit is also Air New Zealand, Continental, Japan Airlines, JetBlue, and Lufthansa.
Boeing is breaking ground with its development of a carbon-neutral jet fuel made from none other than algae. In fact, Boeing’s newest jet, the 787 Dreamliner, boasts 20% more fuel efficiency than its now archaic predecessors.
By far the most avant-garde thinking is coming from a Mississippi-based company named Hunt Aviation. These creative optimists are dreaming up a fuel-free airplane. Yes fellow social firestarters...you heard right! Hunt Aviation is working on fabricating a prototype small plane that harnesses the natural forces of buoyancy (thanks to helium-filled pontoons) for lift-offs and gravity for landings. Coupled with that it contains an on-board wind turbine and battery to power everything in between. This my friends, is the future of our skies. With all of these new and improved green innovations in aviation, it will sure make flying the friendly skies, that much more enlightening (in every sense of the word). Have YOU helped save the world today?
For more information, visit: www.thedailygreen.com, www.fuellessflight.com
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