Don’t you just love the Hollywood flicks that depict an every-day blue collar man as the protagonist who decides to take matters into his own hands to pursue justice? Well my friends, Gary Faulkner, is living proof that not everything coming out of Tinsel Town is fake.
Armed with a pistol, a 40-inch knife, night vision equipment and the Bible, Gary Brooks Faulkner set off on a mission with one goal in mind: To hunt down the infamously evil, Osama Bin Laden. Leaving his native California at the age of fifty-two, Faulkner decided to take matters into his own hands after being disappointed with the results of the US military and global alliances’ efforts.
However, Faulkner’s mission was cut short when he was detained by Pakistani officials when trying to cross the border into Afghanistan. After having visited the area over seven times, Faulkner had a good idea of what was necessary in order to set out on a mission as tumultuous as capturing America’s archenemy.
Although the US government has offered a $25 million dollar reward for information leading to bin Laden’s capture, their plea for help was certainly not an open invitation for an all-out man hunt. However, maybe the government should start taking notes from Faulkner as the protagonist’s guess of the location of bin Laden (and where he was headed before he was detained), in the Chitral District, was pretty spot on considering the antagonist is often housed in that exact location.
Although many may view Mr. Faulkner as irrational and border-line crazy, he is a man who follows his faith and takes matters into his own hands when all other avenues have failed. To us, this shouldn't be viewed as acts of a mad man, but of a brave American just seeking out his own pursuit of justice. Have YOU helped save the world today?
For more information, visit: indyposted.com
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