Ever heard of Meals on Wheels? You know, the kind, philanthropic people who caravan to bring food to the elderly and the disabled’s homes? Well, some folks in Kenya are doing something similar, except their “cars” are camels, and what they’re delivering is far from edible: they’re providing sexual education to people all over their country.
The inspiration behind this “camel clinic” is the struggle to thwart the spread of AIDS. The caravans of camels are constantly visiting remote pastoral groups of people in the Samburu region in order to deliver condoms, in hopes of teaching them the importance of safe sex and the epidemic of AIDS.
A team of forty-five workers from the Nomadic Communities Trust (NCT) provides HIV screening, birth control, palliative care, antenatal care and family planning services, using their two-humped transports to reach the nomads.
The NCT is doing its part to educate and one day eradicate those prone to or infected with AIDS. Most important, they now have a mode of reaching those people who often get overlooked, and are giving them a chance to change their future...all thanks to the hardy dromedary. Have YOU helped save the world today?
For more information, visit: takepart.com
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