Many charities offer aid to people and animals alike in the most obvious of ways: money, shelter, and advice. Additionally, these charities usually have missions that try to solve a multitude of problems such as poverty, illness, or disability. However, the Smile Train is a charity whose sole mission is to medically treat children with cleft lip and palate problems.
Clefts are a major problem in developing countries where millions of children suffer with abnormal palates. Because of this condition, these children aren't able to speak or eat properly. What’s worse is that these children are often banned from school and are not able to hold a job therefore driving their levels of shame and isolation up exponentially.
The problem that Smile Train seeks to repair involves highly skilled doctors. What makes this organization so special, however, is that they don't just simply pay an established westernized doctor to treat these children. Quite the contrary actually. Smile Train actually pays to have local doctors in these underdeveloped countries trained and gives them the materials they need to make a difference among their own neighbors.
Aside from the obvious, Smile Train is doing a whole lot more than simply repairing a child’s distorted palate. Their mission is really quite two-fold: fix a child’s cleft lip, train a local doctor, and watch their dreams flourish. It goes to show that even the smallest of missions can have the largest effects. Have YOU helped save the world today?
For more information, visit: smiletrain.org
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