Keeping kids out of trouble has been a problem that many concerned parents have often failed to tackle. Now take one parent out of the equation, and more times than not, the problem has exponentially increased. In many situations where the parent is away working to make ends meet, idle kids at home seek stimulation from their peers which can sometimes result in gangs, violence, and drug-use.
To help battle the war on young idle minds, a charitable program was developed in hopes to guide these kids in a better, more productive direction. In 1993, Founder and President Debrah Constance, created A Place Called Home (APCH) which was designed to give the gang affected youth of the impoverished inner-city a place where they could come after school, get a snack, do their homework, watch TV, play with their friends, and be around people that care for their well-being aside from their parent(s). In other words, APCH is trying to provide normality in a troubled teen’s life.
From their fundamental concept of providing care for the kids, APCH grew at an alarming rate and now is proud to offer its youth members many programs including a day-long school in collaboration with the Los Angeles Unified School District. Additionally, the APCH offers a computer lab, music and art classes, dance studios, tutoring and mentoring to students who seek extracurricular activities when the last bell of the day rings.
Aside from its obvious single-parent fans, APCH boasts a vast roster of high profile celebrities such as Brian McKnight, Jamie Lee Curtis, Orlando Jones, and Monique who support their cause. However, probably the most important supporters are the very ones who the charity directs its efforts: our nation’s youth. Have YOU helped save the world today?
For more information, visit: apch.org
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