From MTV to TLC, television networks are beaming from the buzz in which teen pregnancy is creating world-wide, and simultaneously profiting off of it. From the hit series 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom, people everywhere have become astounded by the drama and strength in which these teens endure. The fact is that by the end of this year, over 750,000 teens will become pregnant. Which leads us to question that although the troubled youth gives us hours of relentless entertainment, perhaps we should stop and think of who is really helping them out?
The Candie’s Foundation is the answer. It works to help formulate the way in which young people in America think about teen pregnancy and parenthood. Since it’s beginning in 2001, the foundation has been set up to educate our youth not only about the acts that can cause a pregnancy, but the consequences in which it entails.
What makes this foundation so riveting is its highly controversial and engaging ad campaigns. From young celebrities who have endured the strains of pregnancy, like Bristol Palin, to others who share a promise of abstinence until marriage, such as Hillary Duff, the Candie’s Foundation is constantly searching for ways to relate to teens nationwide and spread their powerful message.
Although it may promote a formidable ideal, The Candie’s Foundation has got the star power to back it up. The foundation boasts over twenty four A-listers who endorse its campaign...and counting. Now that should make any starry-eyed teenager take a second and “pause for the cause.” Have YOU helped save the world today?
For more information, visit: candiesfoundation.org
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