Ben & Jerry’s is one conscientious company. Not only does the ice cream boast the most intense of flavors, it’s ecologically-friendly reputation has made the sweet company one of the most popular mainstays in American culture! However, similar to the Tiger Woods’ story, we may soon discover that Ben & Jerry’s is not all that it’s cracked up to be.
According to the watchdog group Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), the ice cream company short changes one small category in its marketing scheme: product labeling.
When it comes to Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and yogurt flavors being “all natural,” CSPI is piping up to call their bluff. In fact, according to Eatocracy, all but five out of fifty-three of the flavors “contain dextrose, alkalized cocoa, corn syrup, hydrogenated oils or other artificial flavors and chemically modified ingredients.”
CSPI is so outraged with this falsity in advertisement, it is also threatening to bring in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) if the ice cream moguls don’t fess up to their fake-ness.
If up to this point in reading you’re still not too disappointed in Ben & Jerry’s superficial ways, then perhaps you can find it within your heart (and your stomach) to forgive the company of its ill doings. After all, it has pledged abstinence from dairy farms that use bovine growth hormone, in addition to sourcing paper products from a completely sustainable paper supplier. Ben & Jerry’s even purchases carbon offsets to help equalize its contribution to the global output and sends its unwanted ice cream waste to a methane bio-digester.
What we are saying to Ben & Jerry’s is that we’re cool even if everything about the product isn’t completely real. Sometimes, we as human beings actually need a little superficiality within our lives just to even out the playing field. All we are asking is for the company to maintain its safe and responsible environmental practices and to simply, just keep it real....Have YOU helped save the world today?
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