“In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.” Today all over the country, people took time out of their daily lives to reflect on these famous words once said by the Argentine writer, Jose Narosky.
Celebrating and giving thanks to the many lives of soldiers lost, and the 21 million that are still alive, Americans experienced a multitude of ways to show their gratitude towards America’s realest heroes.
From the parades in the Big Apple and in Portland, Maine, to the speeches made by historical and iconic individuals recounting their past war-time experiences in Saint Petersburg, Florida, and Green Bay, Wisconsin, Americans spent the day living vicariously through these courageous men and women.
Brushfire would also like to extend a whole-hearted “thank you” to our nation’s veterans. It is from their suffering that we prevail; from their hard work and toil that we can rest comfortably; and from their love that we shall know no hate. Happy Veterans Day America! Have YOU helped save the world today?
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