The world’s favorite coffee cup just got greener! Starbuck’s has recently unveiled its plan to turn it’s old, previously used coffee cups into new ones.
In fact, Starbucks is so confident in its green thinking that it plans to provide only recyclable or reusable cups by 2015 and has run various recycling projects concerning the “reusability” of its old unwanted cups.
The recent six-week project involved about 8,000 pounds of cups collected in Ontario (where the coffee mogul has already begun it’s improved greener plan) that were then sent to Mississippi River Pulp, the company that provides the post-consumer content that’s been in Starbucks’ cups since 2006. Today, all of Starbucks’ cups have just ten percent of recyclable content. Tomorrow, Starbucks plans to go all the way!
Why the push for reusable coffee cups? Simple, Starbucks wants to cut down on waste. Only a small fraction of the four billion cups that the company produces annually end up somewhere OTHER than a landfill. What’s even more disappointing is that only cities like Toronto, Seattle, and San Francisco offer recycling or composting. Everywhere else, the cups go directly to the trash can.
Finding more recyclers to take coated cups would not only translate into an innovative solution for Starbucks, but for the fifty-eight billion other paper cups used every year throughout the US. Have YOU helped save the world today?
For more information, visit: greenbiz.com
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Fantastic news and hope this can be rolled out across the USA, for those that are further afield, it is possible to recycle paper cups in Europe for more information see http://www.thepapercupcompany.co.uk/content_environmental_information.php