After the insurgence of Nintendo and other gaming programs such as PlayStation and X-Box, who hasn’t had a go at a game or two...or three.
Most often than not, gamers have been perceived as both lazy and selfish, spending countless hours in front of the television rather than positively impacting the world outside of their living rooms.
However, since 2003, Child’s Play Charity has banded gamers alike from all around the world to help provide hospital play areas with video games, movies, and toys. Additionally, Child’s Play Charity is extremely involved with these hospitals during Christmas time, giving presents to sick children in order to brighten their day in the spirit of the holiday.
Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins, both fellow gamers and founders of Penny Arcade, started Child’s Play Charity with the highlighted purpose of dispelling negative stereotypes around gamers and their culture. As more and more gamers became involved, ideas were exchanged (probably over a gory game of Halo), and the program flourished. Today, donors have sent over six million dollars in toys, games, and books to children’s hospitals all over the world! Talk about a modern-day “Super Mario Brothers!” Have YOU helped save the world today?
For more information, visit: childsplaycharity.org
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