In a world where money has become a scarce commodity, one would imagine that becoming a loaner is more of a pipe dream rather than a reality.
However, with the innovative and philanthropic thinking behind Kiva, loaning is something you want to engage in, rather than to receive. Kiva pairs donors (you) with pre-screened hard working entrepreneurs in developing countries with hopes of starting their own businesses.
The process is quite simple really. You set up your loan on the Kiva’s website (which can be as small as $25 or as large as you wish), and Kiva does the rest of the work by transfering the money to a hopeful entrepreneur. Within twelve to fifteen months, Kiva will collect the money you loaned, and give it back to you in smaller installments. What’s even cooler, over $1 million dollars have been loaned by 13,000 people and it’s not stopping anytime soon.
And it all comes down to: “A loan is a loan.” That is, you will get your money back so in essence, there is really nothing to lose. However, the idea behind Kiva is so much more than a risk-free investment. It’s giving someone else a chance in life who doesn't have the daily luxuries that you and I take for granted. It’s about changing someone’s life forever. It’s about caring for your neighbor despite his race, ethnicity, religion, or political ideals and placing him on an equal playing field as both you and I. Have YOU helped save the world today?
For more information, visit: kiva.org
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