Everyone knows that when it comes to “survival of the fittest,” the playground is the one place where nothing is held back. Truth be told, kids can be mean. And because they are all at an age where they are constantly being influenced by their exterior environment, some of these kids are profoundly (and sometimes eternally) affected by the taunting and jeering from their peers.
The Give a Damn Campaign is for everyone and anyone who cares about equality amongst his or her peers, no matter their sexual orientation. The program seeks to educate and spread the word about daily issues throughout our country involving gay rights and how severely it effects the gay community when these problems are constantly brushed aside.
One of the Damn Issues, Youth Suicide, is highlighting the fact that we are constantly losing our children due to suicide from being made fun of in the class room. In fact, one out of seven people who commit suicide is a kid. To make matters worse, of those kids, those who are gay are perceived to be four times more likely to try suicide than their straight counterparts. These issues are real. These issues are horrific. Something HAS to give.
Powered by its strong message and A-list celebrity supporters and spokespeople, Give a Damn Campaign is taking matters into its own hands and turning the power over to you. The ball’s in your court. Who’s side are you on? Have YOU helped save the world today?
For more information, visit: wegiveadamn.org
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