“And they lived happily ever after...” This is the phrase heard by many children before they close their eyes for bed. Bedtime stories are both important and fulfilling factors in many kids’ lives. Truth be told however, many children often fall to sleep without a bed, let alone a fantasy story.
The Pajama Program was created with those unfortunate children in mind. With its origins beginning in New York City, the now nation-wide program provides new pajamas and entertaining bedtime books for children in need. The PJ Program also works voraciously with various agencies that house children who are waiting to be placed in permanent homes.
Currently, over 800,000 children are in the Foster Care System across our country. That translates into many lonely and vulnerable nights for parentless and homeless kids. The PJ Program seeks to bring a piece of home into these children’s dreams every night. Having given over 500,000s pajamas and over 250,000 books and counting, I’d say they’re right on track! Have YOU saved the world today?
For more information, visit: pajamaprogram.org
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