Friday Spotlight: Sprout Launch
How good is good? What does it mean to do a good deed? Donating money to a charity is an example of a good deed but depending on their financial status may be relatively easy. But, donating time out of one’s own life to help another, well, we at Brushfire think is the gold standard of good deeds. The founders of SpoutLaunch.com think so too!
SproutLaunch.com is an online source that inspires good deeds by rewarding its users. It encourages giving and kindness by suggesting good deed ideas throughout the week, allowing active participants the chance to win rewards for their positive actions. A user will sign onto the website, submit the kind act they performed on that day, and they are automatically entered into the week’s random reward drawing that takes place every Sunday!
The Good Deed Ideas are broken down into three groups: five minute (share a story that makes someone laugh), one hour (give blood), and one day long deeds (volunteer at a soup kitchen). Although these ideas are as diverse as they are charitable, participants at SproutLaunch.com aren't confined to them and are in fact encouraged to come up with their own ideas that get posted in real-time on the home page.
SproutLaunch.com is an innovative idea that makes the act of giving even more fun and rewarding. At Brushfire, we want to help raise the bar and allow each and every individual a chance to thrive and succeed. So, adopt a dog from the pound, help an elderly person across the street, mow your neighbor’s lawn, or give a friend-in-need a hand. No matter what you do, do it with a smile and sincerity and pay it forward. Have YOU helped save the world today?
For more information visit: www.sproutlaunch.com
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