We all know that the dog is man’s best friend. So what? What about the ladies? What makes them tick? While the jury is still out regarding the one thing that women cherish the most, I’d like to venture to say that it’s a mixture between friends, family, a hefty shopping bag, and of course a means to fill it. Truth be told, women generally enjoy shopping more than men. And We-Care plans to take every advantage of that old-time adage.
We-Care is a company who has not only harnessed the power of consumerism, it’s coupled it with the notion of giving back and created a sort of symbiotic relationship. With over 1,000 online merchants available, the user simply visits their online mall, uses a coupon or a link to a merchant’s site, and donates a percentage of their expenses to the cause of their choice, all the while shopping as they normally would.
The We-Care merchants include retail, travel, financial services, and basically anything else that you could think of to purchase. Search for apartments, pick out the hottest technology, subscribe to your favorite magazine or newspaper, even get satellite TV. The lists of retailers in endless, as is their hope to raise money for your cause.
So men, now there is no excuse to figure out what makes your lady happiest; and all the while you’re helping to make someone else’s life happier. Talk about killing two birds with one stone...or sheer multi-tasking. So pick up your pocketbooks, wallets, sachels, purses, or whatever it is you may carry, and grab the computer nearest you...your cause is depending on it! Have YOU helped save the world today?
For more information, visit: www.we-care.com
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