Apple is currently dominating the technology world and has been for quite some time. Truth be told, I honestly don't see it relinquishing its kingpin position in the near future either. If you’re currently not conference calling off your iPhone, stealing copy-written photos off your Macbook, or downloading apps onto your new iPad, then either your mom, dad, or your neighbor Fred are doing the honors.
With today’s advanced smart phones such as the iPhone and its fierce up and coming competitor The Droid, raising money for your favorite charities and causes has become almost offensively easy. You simply download an app to your phone, use it as you see fit, and then the money begins rolling in (or out...to your favorite charity that is)!
One of the newest apps to hit the smart phone scene is Touch To Give. With this app, the user opens the program, chooses the cause (the choices are: The Breast Cancer Site, The Animal Rescue Site, and the Hunger Site), then taps the “Touch To Give” button. 100% of the revenue from their sponsor ads goes directly to the cause that you choose. You can repeat this process as many times as you like throughout the day.
Another popular charitable app is CauseWorld. After downloading, the user simply walks into CauseWorld supported stores (which is virtually every store in your area) and checks in to earn points. After a certain number of points are accrued, the user can choose to turn in the points in exchange for supporting a cause that is supported by CauseWorld. To this day, CauseWorld users have helped donate 18 million liters of clean water, 228,000 meals, 58,000 trees, 24,000 books, and over $100,000 to Haiti and Chile! The money that is used to donate these items comes from Citibank, Kraft Foods, and Procter & Gamble, who cumulatively have donated over one million dollars to the program.
Another cool app is the Good Guide. Good Guide offers its users a breakdown of a product’s ratings for health, environment, and social responsibility all with the scan of its bar code. Pretty cool huh? We thought so too!
With all these apps available at our fingertips, there is no reason why we shouldn't raising money and awareness for our favorite causes. Best of all, we have no excuses for ignoring this blog as all of these apps are absolutely free...if you have a smart phone that is (and really, who doesn't?). So go ahead, download an app or two, donate a meal or a tree, and feel empowered that you just helped make someone’s day a bit brighter with just a tap of your phone’s screen...now we know why they are called “smart” phones. Have YOU helped save the world today?
For more information, visit: greatergood.com, causeworld.com, goodguide.com, apple.com, motorola.com
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