When he’s not busy scoring goals for the LA Galaxy, or spending time with his fabulously beautiful wife and two boys, David Beckham is constantly expanding his abundant philanthropic interests.
Recently, the soccer superstar has been a spokesperson for Malaria No More, in addition to supporting Help for Heroes, a charity whose main focus is in aiding injured military men and women who are returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
He and his wife Victoria, have established a self-named foundation that provides wheelchairs to children in need (The Victoria and David Beckham Charitable Trust). Because of his strong position within his own charity, Beckham’s efforts have been rewarded with an appointment as a UNICEF Ambassador.
On the international front, Beckham has not only been busy defeating his opponents on the field, but also those that attack humans as a whole. He has traveled to Sierra Leone to promote this fight against AIDS in UNICEF’s Unite Against AIDS Campaign.
Furthermore, Beckham has helped raise over $185,000 for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) by auctioning off two tickets to the World Cup Party on eBay. Following this act of kindness, Beckham was added into NSPCC’s Hall of Fame.
Although he plays the sport of soccer with fierce passion, it’s easy to conclude that David Beckham’s true love lies within his yearning to help others. At Brushfire, we find it absolutely necessary to highlight the powerful achievements of individuals such as Mr. Beckham, regardless if they are famous or nameless. So keep an eye on the helpful actions of our soccer star, and pretty soon you’ll learn how to mend it like Beckham! Have YOU helped save the world today?
For more information, visit: malarianomore.org, helpforheroes.org.uk, nspcc.org.uk, davidbeckham.com, unicef.org
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