Always forgetting your cell phone charger when away on trips? Sick of spending hundreds of dollars on replacement batteries for your outdated cell? Are you exceedingly physically attractive to the point where you have to don sunglasses and scarves where ever you go because someone is always wanting to take a pic with a Jessica Alba or Brad Pitt look alike? If you can answer “yes” to at least one of these questions, then have we got the thing for you!
The Nokia E-Cu concept phone is perfect for the avid jet-setting smoking hot (optional) traveler who is constantly seeking a charge for his or her cellular. Developed by British designer Patrick Hyland, the E-Cu (E=environment and Cu=Copper) phone features a copper exterior and a thermogenerator integrated interior that translates heat energy into electric energy. Body heat is officially in power!
Who needs a power source when you’ve got your very own jean pocket to charge your celly? Although this phone is still a concept, we cannot wait to see more eco-friendly inventions directly correlated with piezoelectric power make their way into our hands...and pockets of course! Have YOU helped save the world today?
For more information, visit: inhabitat.com
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